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ADM (as in... Aeronautical Decision Making)

I woke early this morning with the intent of flying in cool, stable morning air. Where I live, there was spotty overcast skies. I checked weather online through SkyVector and through my Firelight subscription, and weather was "Marginal VFR." I figured I'd still go to the airport and maybe the weather would improve when I got there. I showered, shaved, and headed out the door.

When I arrived at the airport, this is what I saw:

Showers and low level clouds, broken at 2,000 feet, and a 2,700 foot ceiling.

I went inside and did some research online for weather. In the span of 30 minutes, weather went from Marginal VFR (arrival at airport) to VFR (likely the break in the clouds you see in the photo to the left), to...

IFR conditions with 2 statute mile visibility. Weather was moving quickly this morning!

But this brings up a good point about Aeronautical Decision Making... or "ADM." While you're a student, our CFIs will never put you in harm's way and will help check that weather is appropriate for flight. When flying solo, you are the Pilot In Command ("PIC") and must make these decisions about weather... ADM.

I contemplated waiting for weather to clear... but with fast moving clouds, there are winds that follow. I always make it a point to tell myself, "I don't need to be anywhere." With that in mind, I decided to scrub the flight this morning.

Sometimes our students are disappointed when flights need to be cancelled and re-scheduled. Our CFIs will explain the reason. Decisions to cancel a flight is done for yours and the CFI's safety. But we encourage you to make this a learning opportunity to understand the flight conditions and why the flight was cancelled. And to repeat to yourself, "I don't need to be anywhere", and to take that mantra forward in your enjoyment of aviation.

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Office Address:  Professional Airport Center

8475 Artesia Avenue, Unit J

Buena Park, CA 90621


Surrounding airports to Fort Pierce, FL

Treasure Coast, FL

1002 Windward Drive

Fort Pierce, FL 34949





Open 6 days a week
By appointment only (due to airport security and weather.).
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(949) 283-9041

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